

Kosher Japan K.K. (KJ), founded in 1999, is the first kosher certification organization in Japan, with Chief Supervisor Rabbi Binyomin Y. Edery, a resident of Japan and a chief rabbi of Japan accredited by the Israeli government.


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What Is Kosher Food?

What Is Kosher Food?

Kosher* food is “clean food” that Jews are allowed to eat, like Halal food for Muslims. The Jewish Scriptures list the foods that are acceptable to eat and those that are not, and pious Jews have strictly adhered to these rules for about 3,000 years.

*”kosher” means in accordance with the Jewish regulation, Kashrut.

Kosher Certification

Kosher Certification

Kosher is still unfamiliar to Japanese people, but in the past few years, demand for it has been growing rapidly overseas, especially in North America and Europe, and it has established a solid position as the standard for food certification.
The global kosher food market is growing at a rate of around 13% per year, and is expected to exceed 13.8 trillion yen by 2019, a trend that is expected to continue.
Kosher was originally a food regulation for Jews, but now 80% of its sales are made by non-Jews, which shows its high reliability.
Kosher Japan works with kosher organizations in various countries to provide kosher certification services that meet international standards.